We cooperate with many manufacturers who produce equipment that is part of thermal sources. We fournish certified equipment according to our customer’s requirements.
- Delivery of particular equipment – complete delivery of thermal sources’ technologies: armatures, valves, security valves, pumps, pressure containers, boilers, expansion containers, thermal insertions, fireplaces, heat interchangers, burners, compressors, ventilators, calorifers, infra-red heaters, destratificators, radiators, water gauges, differential regulators of water pressure, heat gauges, equipment to prevent the formation of limescale deposit etc.
- Financial and energetic counseling
- Counseling by financing the construction of energetic equipment
- Construction of thermal equipment with possibility to pay by instalments
We offer next services for ensure habitation and business project constructions - you can find information about these and other services about the wooden houses and wooden constructions CONUS I - III from Finland and CONUS IV from Canada:
- Real estate activity: sale, purchase, rental, administration of immobilities, legal service, developing activity
- searching for construction lots
- Brokerage
mortgage loan mediation in partner banks
- Counseling by mortgage-loan financing of the construction of living house including its brokering together with investing and life-insurance and also insurance of interest payment - we offer Privat broker services - broker from company Marketingberatung International ( MBI ), Department of customer services - it represents on Slovak market strong financial companies with insurance and investment products of high quality and we offer also complete service of administration of your investment – possibility of a short-, medium or long-term investment of your available financial means
Brokering the insurance Your legal protection and Protection of your family
- as complement, there's insurance during the period of construction as well as after it's finished
Delivery after agreement through the building society Wüstenrot
- Delivery after agreement through the financial system Lyoness, which offers payoff of an important part of used financial means
The best and the healthiest luxurious WOODEN HOUSES and
WOODEN CONSTRUCTIONS in the world - over 1 000 basic types
Low energy consumption wooden houses